Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today marked a sad end to the lady vol soccer season. For all the hard work and great things they have done all year I hate to see them walk away in defeat. Yet, I know many more great things are coming from these women and I cannot wait to see the amazing things they do and become! I am honored to have been a part of this season and would not trade it for anything!

On a different note, this past week God has allowed to me to get through the first major step towards medical school. I have now officially submitted my application to AMCAS. This large application has been sent to VT, ETSU, UT Memphis and Meharry Medical schools. Once these schools review it, depending on whether or not I pass their initial screening, they will send me an email with their secondary application. Once that is complete if I pass the second screening I will go for an interview and then a final decision will be made. So there is still a very long journey ahead before I know if I get into a medical school or not but at least I am now officially on that journey!

In addition to applying to AMCAS, I am also applying to AACOMAS, which is the same thing as AMCAS but for osteopathic schools. I will send that application in during the first week or so of December. That application will be for LMU, VCOM, and the osteopathic school in West Virginia.

So needless to say there is much that lays ahead, still many questions and unknowns. But the simple fact that I am here now where I am is so amazing, I know for sure it will all work out exactly that it should!

The Bridegroom

I stood by the window in the church office, ready with my white dress on, hair in soft curls and make up that made me look like a movie-star...