And We're Back

This Fourth of July morning I am writing from a country I was unaware existed just 48 hours ago. I'm currently about 30 hours into my travels back to Tenwek hospital. Lord willing we will get to Nairobi later today and to Tenwek tomorrow afternoon. I started this trip fully expecting some setbacks with how crazy the airlines have been recently. It has made the extra day of travel less annoying but still annoying nonetheless. This extra time does give me time to sit and reflect and try to refocus before jumping into a busy hospital. Last year’s trip was hard. I think my expectations are a little different this go around, but more than anything else I need to meet with the Lord in a personal way. It feels like I left my life back home in chaos and there has just been a lot going on. There are various things weighing heavy on my heart. Situations I cannot fix or even really help much. So, even before I am in similar situations facing children who are dying or very ill I already have a heart that is desperate for the living God. I have no control over anything and it is forcing me to lead into the Lord. So, as I sit here for a long lay over and wait I’m praying the Lord would help my unbelief and give me grace to trust. Right now and in the next 2 weeks there are and will be people and situations that I cannot fix or make better. I am and will not be enough. But I can even now cry out to the God who sees on their behalf and have open hands and a willing heart to serve as He calls. 

            For those of you going on this journey with me I will be going through 1 Peter on this trip. And today I am meditating on the joyous Truth that I am kept, secure, and held by the Power of God and that these trials now and those coming are temporary, purposeful and produce faith that is far more precious than gold. Would you join me in praying that the Lord and His Word would permeate my mind and heart and be my main focus even above all the medicine and especially above all the trials. 


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