All Creation Proclaims

And just like that my time at Tenwek has come to an end. It was not what I thought it would be but what the Lord had planned. I was able to help the pediatric team in the hospital for a few shifts again before leaving. It was a pleasure to work alongside them and to even see how the team has grown and improved since my last visit. My last week at Tenwek we did have a few kids that ended up in the ICU. One a small child with a well-known congenital anomaly that is usually found pretty quickly in the US. Essentially his bladder could not empty like it should and over time fluid built up in his kidneys and caused damage and enlargement. He came in very sick with kidneys that were failing. So, his electrolytes were very off as well as his blood pressure. You may not be aware, but kids rarely have heart or circulation problems that cause high blood pressure. In children the most common cause would be problems with the kidneys. The kidneys are a fascinating organ and honestly do some very incredible things to keep us alive. Part of that is regulating how much fluid is in our bodies- if we pee out more fluid or hold onto it. They also filter out waste products and excess electrolytes and give feedback to the body on how high the blood pressure should be. This kiddo had an interesting problem that is not very common in kids. His systolic blood pressure (top number) was SUPER high for his age and height, but his diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) was so low I was worried he was about to crash on me. So, at the same time he had both hypertension (too high) and hypotension (too low). We had to give medication to lower his blood pressure because when it is that high there is a risk of a stroke, but we also had to give fluids to raise his blood pressure and keep him from crashing. Thankfully the Lord has begun healing his kidneys and he is doing much better now! 

Our other child in the ICU came in with systemic varicella zoster. You may recognize that as the virus that causes chicken pox or shingles. But this was to the max! His lungs had fluid in them and he had a liver injury all from a virus that many in the US take for granted. Thankfully, he also is doing better for the time being. Every time I go to Tenwek there is a wide array of pathology that is both interesting and sad. Malaria, HIV, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Trisomy 13, fatal diaphragmatic hernia, graft vs host disease, lots of meningitis, malnutrition and pneumonia, several with pulmonary hypertension and heart disease either congenital or from rheumatic fever. But what is so nice to see is that even halfway around the world in a culture that is very different than my own people are worshiping and praising the same God! It never ceases to amaze me how you can find those who follow the Jesus of the Bible all over the World. And how hungry people are to know Him! 

Romans 10:19-20 “Since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. For since His invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.” This passage is talking about how creation proclaims that there is a God and therefore no one has an excuse to not worship the Creator. Just before coming home, I went on Safari. I saw lions, zebra, giraffe, elephants, all kinds of antelope, cape buffalo, hippos, and monkeys. His creation is truly astounding and points to a Creator that is even better! You see there is a God who is great and loving and perfect. But sin has messed this world up in incredible ways and keeps us separated from Him and we ALL sin (Romans 3:23). Yet, God in His mercy sent Jesus to pay our penalty for sin so that we could have fellowship with Him again (Romans 6:23-24 and John 3:16). But this restoration is only for those to repent of their sin (agree that they are sinners and turn from their sin) and place their faith and trust in Jesus to save them (Acts 3:19, Romans 10:13). Creation in all its beauty and magnificence is shouting at us to believe in Christ. Are you listening? I urge you, if you have never sought this Creator God, do so today. Ask Him to show you His glory in the creation around you and He will. But then repent and believe! Colossians 1:23 says “the Gospel has been proclaimed in all creation.” Have you heard? 


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