
Showing posts from 2022

All Creation Proclaims

And just like that my time at Tenwek has come to an end. It was not what I thought it would be but what the Lord had planned. I was able to help the pediatric team in the hospital for a few shifts again before leaving. It was a pleasure to work alongside them and to even see how the team has grown and improved since my last visit. My last week at Tenwek we did have a few kids that ended up in the ICU. One a small child with a well-known congenital anomaly that is usually found pretty quickly in the US. Essentially his bladder could not empty like it should and over time fluid built up in his kidneys and caused damage and enlargement. He came in very sick with kidneys that were failing. So, his electrolytes were very off as well as his blood pressure. You may not be aware, but kids rarely have heart or circulation problems that cause high blood pressure. In children the most common cause would be problems with the kidneys. The kidneys are a fascinating organ and honestly do some very in...

The Purest Milk

Tenwek hospital is located in Bomet Kenya. Home to the Kipsigis tribe, it draws people from all over Eastern Africa for various surgical needs. On rounds the other morning we were discussing how it can be difficult for families here to understand that sometimes it is actually better for a sick person to NOT eat for a short time for various reasons. For example, before having surgery it is very important that the person NOT eat for several hours so that when they are intubated there is much less risk of complications. Or if they are really really sick sometimes we do not put food into the gut because we want the body to use all its energy to heal or because the gut itself is sick and cannot digest food. In these instances we still give nutrients through an IV but just not through the gut. Culturally here at Tenwek this is hard for families to understand and often they will sneak food to their loved one while in the hospital and staff have to be very diligent to watch and to educate. So,...

Better Than Gold

1 Peter 1:7 says “that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” What truly is the greatest gift or assurance we could have? Safety? Health? Security? Our culture today would say these things in an instance. Who doesn’t want assurance that they will be safe from robbers, or will live a long healthy life free of disease, or that no matter what happens they have enough money in the bank or alarm systems, or friends that it will be okay. Who doesn’t want some sort of insurance that will take care of us no matter what happens? But the Bible tells us something very different. 1 Peter makes is clear that we will go through trials and unexpected storms. That sometimes we will be robbed or stolen from, sometimes we will get sick, sometimes our money will run out, our friends will abandon us. I read a post on social media today where a women wrote how ...

Day 1 Again

My team and I arrived at Tenwek yesterday afternoon. It has been wonderful to see some good friends and familiar facies. Many hugs all around as I was finally able to settle in and unpack for a while. The Lord graciously allowed me to sleep all night making jet lag minimal (possibly because we were just so tired). And today I jumped right in with rounds. I’d like to say it was if I had never left, but wow I’m a little rusty on some of my inpatient pediatric knowledge. But thankfully I had some time to look up some things and adjust plans as the day went. During my time here there is also a neonatologist visiting which is a tremendous blessing! Neonatology (all the little sick babies) is a totally different world even than pediatrics and it is by far my weakest area. So I am super pumped that she is here to help with our sickest and smallest babies.              Our team has about 25 or so kids in the pediatric wards and st...

And We're Back

This Fourth of July morning I am writing from a country I was unaware existed just 48 hours ago. I'm currently about 30 hours into my travels back to Tenwek hospital. Lord willing we will get to Nairobi later today and to Tenwek tomorrow afternoon. I started this trip fully expecting some setbacks with how crazy the airlines have been recently. It has made the extra day of travel less annoying but still annoying nonetheless. This extra time does give me time to sit and reflect and try to refocus before jumping into a busy hospital. Last year’s trip was hard. I think my expectations are a little different this go around, but more than anything else I need to meet with the Lord in a personal way. It feels like I left my life back home in chaos and there has just been a lot going on. There are various things weighing heavy on my heart. Situations I cannot fix or even really help much. So, even before I am in similar situations facing children who are dying or very ill I already have a...