Bigger than myself

May I say in advance, that though I have thought long and hard how to write about the events of the last few days, my thoughts continue to be jumbled. Please excuse the jagged approach.

Tonight I sat at my sister’s dinner table enjoying a home cooked meal with her family. Nights like these have been such a blessing to me for the last 2 years. But tonight as we finished my 5 year old nephew cupped his hands around my ear. I had to think and listen hard as he whispered, “Jay Jay, will you miss me? Don’t you want to stay here with us instead of moving to Kentucky?” I pulled him onto my lap and looked in to that sweet face. Of course I will miss you very much, but I have to go to Kentucky. If only he knew just how much I will miss him, his sister, and parents. If only he knew how deep down I selfishly wish I would stay here with them.

I just finished watching the series “Band of Brothers.” I have been struck by their discipline and willingness to endure enormous hardship for this country. Those were some strong, brave men. That generation had people volunteering to go to war, even lying about their age in order to fight. My generation seems to be quite the opposite. We have been handed everything we need and way too much more! We don’t know what sacrifice is, and we act like it.

Physiologically speaking, we know that bones and muscles that are never stretched waste away. Those bones crack under slight pressure and muscles atrophy so that barely anything is left. I don’t think it is a coincidence that we also must be stretched and tested to grow. If we never know the pain of sacrifice, how can we understand or love our LORD for what He did for us? So, yes Kelvin, even though I absolutely do not want to leave you and your family, I must. Though, I do not want to cause you any pain or sadness, I know that it will help make you a stronger man. And tough I do not want to work 80 hours a week for the next 3 years, nor do I want to face the mountain before me, I must.

I thought medical school was an impossible mountain, but God was faithful and on Saturday I graduated. I spent the week prior contemplating the magnitude of what that meant, and found myself in tears a few times from the weight of it. But when it was done I realized I am really no different. Yes, my responsibilities just became much much greater. But just because I have some letters after my name doesn’t mean squat. As I read in Luke the other morning, it hit me. Just as the master in the parable in Luke gave his servants things to be stewards of, and tasks to do, Christ has done with me. Those servants should not be rewarded for obeying the master, nor are they any different after completing one of his tasks. I likewise am no different. And though I am proud of what God has done in me, I cannot take pride in myself. I just did what I was told, and used what God gave me to do it. But now I must continue to obey and follow where He leads. Even when it leads to tough times for me and my family.

I do long to be tougher, not in a callous type of way. But stronger, braver, more willing to forsake all and follow Him. I know I need to be stretched, and so moving is part of that. And I am thankful that even though it may cause my nephew some pain in the short term, that God is using this situation to make me more like Him, and to help my nephew grow in Him as well. So, really when I think about it, God is answering my prayers.

I do pray that myself and the believers in my generation would wake up. I pray God will make us stronger, even though the cost is great. The days are coming where we will need to be. 


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