Crunch time
This is one of those places it never really occurred to me
that I would be in. A few weeks ago, I had my last lecture over new material to
study EVER! Granted I still have boards to take in June and thus I have some
review lectures, but all my exams from here on out are kind of a big deal and
their number is like small enough that I can count them on my hands!
As I have fill blown began studying like crazy for this next
exam in June, I feel like G is really finally helping me out of this drought
I’ve been in. I had been so bogged down with school, and life in general. But
every day over and over I would just hear Him say, “Seek ye first the Kingdom
of God” The more I dwelt on it, the more I realize how He has been giving me
the key to all of this all along. I’ve realized how little my faith has been to
not trust Him with everything and just run after Him. I wish it were as simple
as just flipping a switch and saying okay now I will just seek Him first and
not worry about the rest, but it has been a daily struggle. I have also still been
contemplating the question, how do we continue to pour ourselves out daily and
hurt when our patients hurt without becoming hard or letting it rip us to
shreds? Again, I kept hearing Him say ‘seek ye first.’ I’m still working on it,
because I know that He is enough to enable us to do anything, no exceptions.
But here is what I have so far: If we can learn to seek Him first, then we will
be continually, daily filled up with Him, His love, His mercy, His compassion,
His patience. Then when we are continually poured out, it is really Him being
poured out not us. And when we hurt with our patients, He hurts too, and we can
leave them at His feet knowing “Vengeance is mine, I will repay” or He will
work all things for their good. We can know that He hurts more than we do, and
He has it under control. I’m not sure how this all plays out in real everyday
life yet, other than everyday choosing to seek Him first. But I know He will
get us there, if we are faithful and if we can trust Him. It seems so simple,
but isn’t that just like Him?
Tomorrow I am headed to Honduras with VCOM to work in some
area clinics in the capitol. I am so ready and so thankful for the timing to
give me a break from this intense studying! I could use a reminder of why I’m
in school right now! But I also know I am going to learn so much! The physicians
going with us are amazing and I feel like a sponge every time I’m around them!
It’s like a win, win, win, because I get a break from school, I’ll be learning
like crazy, and I get to pour myself out and just love on people again! I have
so missed just having the time to love and serve people! I also know this will
be a great opportunity to really get to know my classmates who are going and
hopefully share some with them as well! Ah! I already feel like I can breathe
better! Haha!
Will you please join
me in prayer as I head to Honduras? Pray that God will teach me
medically and spirtitually, pray for the people there that I will have
opportunities to show Christ to them, and for my classmates most of whom do not
know Christ themselves. Pray God will give me opportunities to get to know them
better and share truth with them as well! Please also pray for me as we return.
These next few months leading up to my boards on June 25th will be grueling,
an average of 12 hours a day of studying. I know God will get me there and He
will be my strength day in and day out, and He is my wisdom. Please pray that I
will be faithful to seek Him first no matter what, and trust that He will fill
in the rest!
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