Grace upon Grace

“It was good for you to come today,” she said as she walked me home, “I did not know before that Jesus died for MY sin.” This was the third time we had met for me to tutor her in English. She could not get enough Truth. During our second meeting we began going through John together. She was amazed by this Jesus and commented, “I think Jesus was a good man, but I think He was more than that. I think He is the Son of God.” I sat in complete amazement that this woman would openly confess Jesus as the Son of God.  Upon our third meeting she had read through 11 chapters of John in both English and her native tongue, and had written out several questions for me. Questions like, what is sin, why did Jesus die, what is resurrection. We even talked about the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. How He is our comforter, counselor, and He shows us Truth in scripture. When she asked about the trinity, I hesitated to explain knowing that with the little bit of English she knew I may only confuse her. But as I tried to explain she said, “I think the Spirit is giving me understanding.” It was rather obvious that God had been at work in her life and was calling her out! The fourth time we met, I brought the English teacher with me to help translate and explain some of the harder concepts. Even then it amazed us at her hunger to know Him! My last time to meet with her came after a tragedy killed many people from her town. We talked about how God is in control of all things, but that He uses them for good, and that He promises to walk through them with us. God never promised we would not face trials, but He promised to always be with us. She stopped me and struggled to ask, “how do I  . . . the Spirit . . . in me . . . how do I get the Spirit? I want to follow Jesus”

Never before had God allowed me the privilege of this moment. To witness Him raise the dead. Right there and then I had the honor of sharing with this precious woman that if she asked, God would forgive HER sin and give HER new life. She then asked if she had to pray in English, with eyes open or closed, hands open or folded. It was totally new to her to be able to come before God just as she is, and talk to Him straight from her heart. That day, the day before I headed back to the States, she walked into new life. Grace upon grace! I did absolutely nothing, and yet God in His grace allowed me to walk with her into life! He never ceases to amaze me!

The past 6 weeks I have been in East Africa. I did not really know why God wanted me to go this summer, the summer before I start medical school. I almost regretted staying so long because one week after I returned I must move to Blacksburg, VA. But now, I know. God took me out of life as I knew it here in comfort and ease, and took me where He could humble me and show me Himself in a way that will help me trust Him throughout medical school. This was a very hard trip for many different reasons, but the fruit that came of it was worth it all and so much more! Not only did He use me, but He taught me each and every day. He reminded me that I am His, He called me by MY name. He is enough for whatever I face, especially when HE called me to it!  

So many great things happened in East Africa this summer! But because I must now switch my focus to packing, moving and preparing to start school, I will have to wait and write about the rest later. But for all of you who lifted us up thank you so much! God did amazing things there this summer and He is still working there! Please continue to pray for our new sister in Christ. Pray her faith will grow and spread like fire. Pray for her family especially her husband to be drawn to Christ as he sees a difference in her and as she has already begun sharing with him. Grace upon grace, this is our God. Amazing grace!


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