The Next Chapter . . .

I realize growing up is normal and eventually it happens to everyone whether they want it to or not. I have enjoyed passing different checkpoints throughout my life and the wisdom that comes with them. I really disliked my first two years of college even though I really love learning, but once I settled into a routine and actually met a few people I realized it wasn't so bad after all. My junior year was great. I had great classes, great friends, and life felt right even though I was in really really hard classes. But I knew that eventually I would be going to medical school which meant moving out and being thrown in the hardest level of schooling possible. Therefore, knowing myself and how I really do not adjust to change very well, I decided to get the moving out part over with. That way maybe I could be a little more adjusted to life on my own before being thrown into medical school. My hope was that if I move in with a really good friend and stayed busy with my normal stuff at my normal college with normal life in Powell only 20 minutes away then maybe, just maybe, I would make it. Today marks a little over one week of Janie's life on her own. And so far its going rather well. I just have to keep my mind in check and not let it wonder off to all the 'what if's.' So my prayer for me this year, is not necessarily to make it through all my classes (they're all a piece of cake compared to organic), but to make it to the place in my relationship with Christ that I know He is my everything. I want to desire Him and only Him. I want to be so consumed by Him that no matter the circumstances (with family/not with family, with friends/not with friends, hard classes/ easy classes) that He is all I lean on and draw my strength from. I have a head knowledge of God, but I want to know Him intimately like never before. That is the journey I am on this year, more so than trying to get into med school or learning to live on my own. So lets see where this chapter takes me . . .


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