
Showing posts from September, 2011

The little Things

This morning I woke up on my day off to watch Andrew's cross country race. He did well, finishing in 3rd just not as well as we had hoped. But I'm hoping this will make him hungry for a win the rest of the season. On the drive back to my parents house he and I got in my truck rolled down the windows and turned our favorite music up as loud as we wanted. We drove down hardin valley drive just enjoying life. Then I had a flash back to when I was much younger. I was riding in the car with my dad and Andrew with the windows down and the three of us were singing at the top of our lungs. I remember thinking I couldn't wait for the day when I had my own truck with little sideways seats in the back and could drive with the windows down blaring my music all I wanted to. And now probably 15 or so years later I am enjoying doing just that. And it occurred to me then that it really is these little things that make life so fun. The Lady Vol soccer team won again last night and moved to ...

The Next Chapter . . .

I realize growing up is normal and eventually it happens to everyone whether they want it to or not. I have enjoyed passing different checkpoints throughout my life and the wisdom that comes with them. I really disliked my first two years of college even though I really love learning, but once I settled into a routine and actually met a few people I realized it wasn't so bad after all. My junior year was great. I had great classes, great friends, and life felt right even though I was in really really hard classes. But I knew that eventually I would be going to medical school which meant moving out and being thrown in the hardest level of schooling possible. Therefore, knowing myself and how I really do not adjust to change very well, I decided to get the moving out part over with. That way maybe I could be a little more adjusted to life on my own before being thrown into medical school. My hope was that if I move in with a really good friend and stayed busy with my normal stuff at ...

The Sequel

Today we present on the center for sport peace and society in front of the board of advisers for the dean of my college. The response was so much better than we had anticipated and they really seemed to buy into our ideas. I really feel they are behind us now and we can really move forward with raising support to make it a reality. Our next move is to make our idea public and get it out there as much as possible. Then, hopefully, God will provide the money needed to turn our ideas into a reality. I really believe huge incredible things will one day come of this and that gets me super pumped!