On To Another Adventure
Ten years ago this fall I walked into my parents house after weeks of fasting and praying over the direction of my life. I had gone to college to do what was fun and comfortable and made sense but then someone called me out and asked me to pray about what God wanted for my life. At the time, she was suggesting medical school and that seemed like an impossible task. Nevertheless I prayed and fasted more so out of obedience. But my heart wasn’t in it. Until that night. I remember it clear as day. My father met me at the front door with his book in hand. Someone had given him a book with facts about all of the countries in the world and their people groups etc. He told me about the infant mortality rate in the country he was reading about. It was so high because there were no women physicians to care for the women there. And as if time stood still in that moment I knew God had called me, as a women, to be a physician in order to reach the underserved. It’s been a long hard journey, but now 10 years later I’m on my way to Kenya to serve as a physician. I have visited Tenwek before but as a resident with close oversight. In the coming 4 weeks I will fill in for the long term pediatricians as an attending. So many emotions as I sit on the plane. The past few days have been a little stressful getting everything ready. The anticipation just adds to the stress. But now finally I can sit and focus. Focus on the One who called me 10 years ago and the One who is calling me now.
This past week I was on vacation with my family in a Gatlinburg. We typically get a cabin just by Little Pigeon River at a little swimming hole with a big rock perfect for jumping off into the water. As an added benefit my grandfather was able to come join us for a day and swim in the river with us. He is a great reminder to me of the grace and goodness of the Lord. He grew up in that area when his family worked as tenant farmers in what is now the great smokey mountains national park. As a kid he would walk down to that very rock and jump off it to swim in that river. This vacation he told us how they ended up moving to Knoxville when he was around age 9-10. During the Great Depression the farmer his family worked for did not have money to pay them. They skimped by as the Lord provided. But then the national park came in and essentially said they all had to leave. My great grandfather had no choice since he didn’t own any land. The farmer decided to move his farm to Knoxville and asked my grandfather’s family to come along but my great grandfather was not convinced. What ultimately changed his mind was a visit he took to Knoxville to check out the local church. Essentially the Lord lead him right to the doorstep of a deacon of the local church and after discussing the church my great grandfather decided it was okay to move to Knoxville. I never knew him, but it sounds like he had his priorities right. My grandfather got his degree in Knoxville after serving in the navy. He worked his way up to being CEO of the same company he started working for out of college. But then retired early to go serve in Rwanda. He and my grand mother were there when the genocide occurred and had to be evacuated. They then helped in refugee camps. To this day he says those were some of his best memories during his years in Africa. This is a short glimpse Into my heritage and the family the Lord gave me. Psalms 103:17 (CSB) “But from eternity to eternity the LORD’s faithful love is toward those who fear him, and his righteousness toward the grandchildren.” What an incredible blessing to be one of those grandchildren!
You see my life and any ‘good’ thing that comes from it is all a result of immense grace. I did nothing to deserve to be born in a Christian home where I was taught about the One True God. I did nothing to deserve to be brought up in a country where I have opportunities galore. Yes, I have worked hard the past 10 years to be a physician and be able to help people. But what I deserve . . . I deserve death and an eternity in hell separated from the only Being who can satisfy me and make me whole. BUT GOD, who is overflowing with mercy and grace called me out of death and gave me life. He gave me this family and heritage and these opportunities. Who am I to waste them? So, I lay myself, the gifts, talents and material wealth He has given me all on the alter. I have been the recipient of grace that is beyond measure and now I get the opportunity to be poured out as His hands and feet to the sick and hurting, those close to physical and spiritual death. And while the last 10 years have given me a few tools to help their physical bodies, the true gift and best thing I can give them is the very Gospel that saved me. That Christ came to Earth and paid the penalty for our sin and we can have forgiveness and righteousness and a relationship with Almighty God! That void that we all feel that we always try to dull and nothing works: I have the answer, and He is more beautiful than you could ever know!
What is even more glorious is that we can all bring this amazing news to anyone at any time. I don’t have to be at a hospital in Africa to be His hands and feet. You and I can do this everyday with anyone the Lord brings to us. May He awaken us to the greatness of who His is and His Gospel! May it permeate us and overflow from our souls onto everyone around us! May we not be able to keep it in our bones! I’m on my way to fulfill something the Lord called me to long ago. But we can all fulfill the purpose He has called us to each and everyday.
1 Corinthians 15:55-58 (CSB) 55 “Where, death, is your victory? Where, death, is your sting? 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
I don’t know your story or where you have come from. But my life is evidence that God makes beauty from ashes and brings the dead to life. If He can do this is me, I have every confidence He can do so in you also. The question is, will you surrender
Love this and you so much!❤️