The Other Side of the Exam Table
Today I was on the other side of telling a couple they were no longer pregnant. Can I just say I'm not a fan! I knew the ultrasound tech had already told them, but still I had to go in there and put a face, 2 faces to those ultra sound images that showed no life. When we walk in I can tell they are both trying to be so tough, but I can see the hurt behind their mask. I wanted to just go hug her and pray over her, because I know that only the God of Comfort can help in times like these. I don't know how she held it together that whole visit. She calmly asked the expected questions. What happened, why, will this effect future pregnancies? We answered them as best we could, then schedule the procedure to remove the dead fetus. Standing there hurting with this family, I just cried out for them to receive comfort and peace from Almighty God who gives and takes away. Prayed that somehow they would see Him shine through this dark hour, that The Way, The Truth, and The Life would come to their aide.
As we walked out the doctor asked if I wanted to watch this procedure. He explained it was actually the same one done if someone were to have an abortion, and I think we all know what the only difference would be. That did it for me, there's no way I would be able to hold it together while watching him removed this fetus. Life is but a vapor (Ps 39) and "as for man, his days are like grass, as the flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it and it is gone and it's place remembers it no more." (Ps 103:15,16) This fetus was a life, he or she fulfilled all 5 requirements of a life form not to mention that this fetus was still made in the image of Almighty God. How would I be able to hold it together while he removes him/her from his mother's womb knowing the pain to come, the void he/she will leave? Oh how it afflicts my soul to think of a physician doing this with a living fetus with a beating heart, with a chance at life! Who are we to take that away? I have said over and over and over what a miracle it is that any of us live and live healthy at that! All of the millions and billions of things that have to happen just right. Only God could make all those chromosomes line up perfectly and separate perfectly billions of times in create a precious life. But even so what is a body without a soul? That little physiologic miracle is more than a biological specimen, the very breath of God is there! How can we throw that away!
Oh God! Forgive us of our ignorance and pride! Forgive us for murdering countless lives that you Divinely created. Forgive us for trying to be our own god, thinking we have the right to chose. Forgive us Lord of our unbelief! God I pray for this precious couple, Lord fill them with your peace, and your comfort. Surround them with the support they need to weather the storm. And Oh God use this for good in their life! We know Lord that you have and are taking perfect care of their baby who is now with you, now please Lord please take care of these parents. Draw them to you in this dark hour that you may shine all the more brightly! Thank you Lord, for giving us life, for creating life.
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