Do this in remembrance of me
Reading through the Old Testament, it is clear that God wanted His people to be set apart. I mean He did call them a royal priesthood, a holy nation. I've been reading the laws Hod put in place regarding sacrifices, food, cleansing from illness etc, and I have been overwhelmed with the amount of rules given. But it is very clear that God wants His people to be clean when they come to Him. He is holy and cannot tolerate sin. So before Christ came all these commands had to be followed in order for sin to be covered temporarily, but the people could only offer those sacrificed if they were ceremonially clean. Not only did God require the sacrifice, He required cleanness while offering them.
This morning I had the privilege of taking the Lord's Supper with my brothers and sisters in Honduras. Most of the service I struggled to understand, but that is one thing we can all do together. Even though language has put a barrier between many of the people and myself, and even though culturally we are different, we can worship together in the Remembrance of what Christ did for us all. He was perfectly clean. A lamb without blemish or spot, slain from the foundation of the world. His body was broken for us, for me. And His blood was not only sprinkled over me, but it has washed me so clean that I cannot become unclean again. There is no way I could clean myself to come before Almighty God and offer any kind of sacrifice for my sin. But now just as I am, I am clean, perfect, spotless. And my sin has not been only covered, but paid for! I can't even understand that! And here in Honduras, with sisters and brothers I have barely known on this Earth, we together celebrated the Ultimate sacrifice that liberated us all!
And we worshiped! I love singing with people from other countries in other languages because it so demonstrates the transcendence of God's grace and love and power. And what a small picture of what heaven will be like. People from all over the world, celebrating and worshiping our common savior, our common Lord! Even if we are different on every Earthly level, we have ONE God, and ONE King, and ONE Lord, and that's all that matters! Our sin offering has been paid!
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