
Showing posts from February, 2015

Go into all the world

Dr I is only a few years older. She finished medical school here in Honduras and is now practicing as a general doctor while awaiting to get into a US residency. We really like it when she works with us at the clinic. She not only speaks English well, but she is so patient with our many questions, and all the times we ask her to act as a translator between us and our patients. She also goes the next step and uses each opportunity to teach us. She just took Step 2 CE (board written exam #2) in December so she knows what we need to study for our Step 2 in June.  This particular morning with her first patient she came to us in the other room, and said, "you should come see this." An elderly woman lay on the table in her exam room. "Just feel her abdomen, and tell me what you find" Dr I said. So we took turns gently palpating this lady's abdomen, but lightly because she was in obvious pain. There was a large something just below her ribs on her right side. What...

Do this in remembrance of me

Reading through the Old Testament, it is clear that God wanted His people to be set apart. I mean He did call them a royal priesthood, a holy nation. I've been reading the laws Hod put in place regarding sacrifices, food, cleansing from illness etc, and I have been overwhelmed with the amount of rules given. But it is very clear that God wants His people to be clean when they come to Him. He is holy and cannot tolerate sin. So before Christ came all these commands had to be followed in order for sin to be covered temporarily, but the people could only offer those sacrificed if they were ceremonially clean. Not only did God require the sacrifice, He required cleanness while offering them.  This morning I had the privilege of taking the Lord's Supper with my brothers and sisters in Honduras. Most of the service I struggled to understand, but that is one thing we can all do together. Even though language has put a barrier between many of the people and myself, and even though...