
It was already a very full weekend. Football game, family time, friend time, not to mention I needed to get in about 20 hours of studying somewhere. But this visit was a priority and I could not wait! When I walked up to the complex the children immediately recognized me. Their smiles warmed my heart in a way that hasn’t happened in a while. When I came to the door instead of the traditional kiss she gave me an American hug and I was a little taken aback by it. Instead of adapting my customs to honor her, she honored me. Her neighbor, another friend of mine, came over and when asked if she was attending that evening’s social event, she replied (in reference to me) “No, this is not just a friend, this is my family.” It had only been about 2 years since I had seen them, yet the bonds created where still so strong. It was a great visit, and a wonderful reminder of why I am in medical school. She made me a wonderful Middle Eastern dish and as I ate we talked about her back pain; how multiple therapies have failed, and I wondered if my training as an osteopath would enable me to actually fix the problem instead of simply treat the symptoms. This discussion made me very thankful for the type of training I am receiving. She is an incredibly smart woman. Her son even frequently tells her husband, “You need mom’s brain.” I was honored that she would share with me and entrust her friendship, but as I drove away my greatest fear was that I would allow my schedule as a student to crowd out our relationship and others like it. It was just the boost I needed to go back to school again. I asked her to call me every so often, so we could keep in touch. My prayer is that our relationship would flourish in spite of school and that His love would break through.

Now back at school, I had major studying to do to catch up from the weekend. On top of that I really did not feel good. About midnight last night I was studying GI cancers and disorders while I was already nauseated and the studying only made it worse. I wanted to badly just to go to sleep and not care about how I did on this test. Yet God sweetly reminded me again why I am here. It’s about Him and obedience to what He has called me to. He reminded me of my precious friend, and gave me the motivation to continue studying. It never ceases to amaze me how God is so faithful in the big and small things. Faithful to motivate me, faithful to help me focus and remember during my exam, faithful to give me strength for the day despite only 3 hours of sleep.

Thus, as this the 5th week of school comes to an end, and the fatigue and stress begin to mound; I am so thankful for a faithful God: One who never changes, One who I can stand on despite all else.


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