To Africa and Beyond!

I hate good buys. I would much rather just let things happen quickly so I don't have time to dwell on the changes coming. So, for my last summer before I begin medical school I will be spending 6 weeks in East Africa. And when I return, I will have all of 1 week before I move to Virginia. Yet in doing so, I have come to realize that this week is really my last one in Powell, TN.  Well, these next 3 days really.

As I am scrambling to make sure I not only have everything ready for my trip but also everything ready to begin school on my return I want to pause to say thanks. I am one of the richest people in the world. Ok technically yes, compared to the rest of the world, but also in blessings. I have been blessed with an amazing family, one I will miss greatly as I begin my own life apart from them. And I am so incredibly thankful for my church and the truth that I was given my whole life, not to mention the amazing friends throughout the years! I am astounded by the grace of God that has been poured out on my life!

As I leave this Thursday headed for East Africa, I ask that you join me in prayer. The area I will be going to is very high security and so I will not be able to post updates throughout my trip as I have done in the past. However, I will be sending my parents an email whenever possible to have them forward to anyone who would like to keep up with what God is doing while I am there. Please message me your email if you would like to receive those updates.

My team consists of myself and two other college women. Our purpose as my team goes is for His name to be made known, to be an encouragement to those around us, and to fulfill the command He has given us. We are confident He will supply all our needs and use us in ways we never thought possible. We also know and look forward to see how He will change and shape our lives. Would you make an impact on eternity by praying for us as God does great things in Africa this summer.

Please pray that I would be faithful to put on His armor; that I would remember that I am not fighting flesh and blood but that my war is spiritual. Pray “that utterance would be given me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel.” Ask God to use this experience to prepare me for the long hard journey that awaits my return to the States. Ask Him to reveal Himself to me, my team, and the people there in a life-changing way that compels us to give Him our all.

Thank you to everyone who has and will pray for my team and I. And thank you to everyone who has impacted my life so greatly! May God bless you all richly!

4 His glory!


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