Divine Appointment

Mondays are my super long days. I have class from 9am until 8pm with all of 2 short breaks. After class is FCA and so it has become extremely hard for me to stay another 2 hours on campus to attend. This afternoon I received a text from one of the FCA leaders. She said the leadership team was going to Montgomery Village tonight to hang out with some of the high school kids there and talk with them. She asked if I could speak to them about anything that was on my heart. Honestly, I didn’t want to, I hadn’t been having that great of a day and definitely did not ‘feel’ filled with the Spirit by any means to talk to anyone about Christ. But they were leaving at 7:30 before I would be out of class and so I thought I had dodged that bullet. Well I went on about my day and at the end of my last class we had a quiz, so I finished it and left. I had no idea what time it was or anything. As I walk out of the building, the car in front of me stops and the window rolls down. It was my FCA leader on her way to Montgomery Village. She said hey Janie are you coming with us we’re just now leaving. Well, I didn’t think I could say no this time so I hopped in and off we went. When we get there, she turned to me and said, um so will you share something, maybe about your trip we don’t have anyone else. So I said yes not having a clue what to share but felling as though I should. Long story shorter, I ended up sharing with about 15 high school kids about the Samaritan Woman and how no matter where we come from, what we’ve done, how pretty or ugly, how athletic or nerdy we are, that we are all sinners. In God’s eyes we are all equally lost and in need of a savior. But that at the same time, God doesn’t care where we are from or what we’ve done or anything that we can come to Him for forgiveness, and once we are forgiven and we are His that our identity is in Him and nothing else. I honestly have no idea where that message came from other than the Spirit Himself. I was definitely not feeling it, but am just so thankful that God works despite me! He wanted me there and chose to use me even though I wasn’t walking with Him today as I should have been and even though I really had had a bad attitude about the whole ting up until that point.. What a blessing that nothing about our relationship with Christ is based on works, it is ALL by grace. Wow, praise God!


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