Again, as in previous posts I have sat down to write this and finish it many times. My heart is so full there are no words to express it. And yet there is something therapeutic and final in putting some of it on paper. I can remember back in high school one of my favorite things was directing our band. I loved being a drum major even though as a percussionist I could not appreciate or understand all that went into each wind instrument. I can remember listening to individual sections practicing and though they each sounded good on their own I would get chills when it all came together. To this day I am captivated by a good symphony so much so that it becomes an escape from this mortal world. There is something pure and beautiful in the sound made by an entire orchestra together that is hard to find elsewhere. And as I was driving home tonight, I was reminded how God is doing the same thing with each of our lives, making a symphony. Sixteen years ago, I made a de...