Exploding Heart

I wrote a poem back in high school in which the words just kind of came to me though they were not necessarily an outpour of my heart at the time. I remember looking that the words thinking, ‘wow that’s a decent poem but where did that come from?’. I don’t remember all of it but what I do remember I resonate with now more than I ever have. “A cleverly crafted mask to hide an agonizing face. And the only thing that is left of it all, on underserving pages Are the remains of a n exploded heart.” My heart is exploding, well has exploded. And, not writing it out has left me trying to hold the pieces. So, as painful as this may be, here’s to letting these underserving pages hold what’s left. When I moved to Bristol TN to start my 3 rd year of medical school I rescued a kitten for 2 reasons. It gave my dog Teddy someone to be with him while I was on rotations, and it was a nice gift to myself for making it through the worst years of medical school and passi...