
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Abundant Life

What happens when the day to day becomes mundane and you find yourself just surviving? I know we all experience it from time to time. Discontentment with life, not knowing why we are doing what we are doing or more importantly not knowing what we are missing. Tomorrow I start the last month of my intern year of residency. That first year that is notorious for the grueling hours and hard work. That time where you have your degree and are officially a doctor, but people still smirk when you call yourself one because you really don’t know anything and everyone loves to remind you of that. You thought medical school was hard? Well, welcome to residency. Yeah, you don’t have to spend 80 hours a week on your bottom studying, but now you’ll spend 80 hours a week learning on your feet. Okay, I am being dramatic. I did not work 80 hours a week at work every week. But, on inpatient months I did average 72. I’ll be honest, I expected residency to nearly kill me and it wasn’t nearly as bad a...