
Showing posts from December, 2016

The depth of Christmas

This has been a very different year for me to say the least. Residency has come with a mix of joy, satisfaction, and yet heart break and frustration. This Christmas day for the first time, probably of several to come, I will be working.   I must be honest and say it has been very difficult for me to get in the Christmas spirit all month long. I had good intentions and put my tree up at the beginning of the month. For the first time I actually listened to Christmas music all month long instead of waiting until like 2 weeks before. I was really enjoying it all, until the Gatlinburg fires. I don’t really understand why exactly, but they hit me pretty hard, and every time I listened to Christmas music that’s all I could think about. Because few things go with the Christmas season like Gatlinburg TN. Since then all I could see was what I was missing out on. How lonely it can be to be working the holidays while in a different state than your family, without a family of your own. . . an...