
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Final Countdown!

“It is my earnest expectation and hope that I will not fail Christ in anything, but will have the courage now as always to show the greatness of Christ in my life, here on Earth, whether I live or die. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:20,21 This has been the verse that I strive towards since God lead me to it while I was in high school. I can honestly say it is my heart’s desire, yet I fall so short! Monday morning I found out I had matched into residency. It was a welcomed relief, yet, not unexpected. The weeks prior I honestly had so much peace about matching and where I would end up. Sunday evening as I sat listening to my pastor preach the realization swept over me, “in just a few hours I’ll know IF I matched.” My heart started racing and pounding within my chest to the point I was sure people around me must think I was having a panic attack! Then the all familiar thought war ensued. “Stop that, Janie, you know God has it under control. This is ...