Dancing in the pain
This Christmas I decided to ask for a guitar. I have always wanted to learn to play but I never had a guitar that was small enough for my hands, nor have I ever really had time to learn to play. While medical school and residency are not the best times to be picking up a new instrument, I figured this spring and summer I would have more time to learn than I will in the next like 3 years at least. So Christmas Day I opened a junior Yamaha guitar. I spent my 2 weeks off of school to practice some easy common chords, and I tried playing them in simple worship songs. I've missed making music. Singing is great but, at least for me, I don't feel the music as deeply as I do when I'm making the music and singing to it. I don't have dreams of playing for a worship band again as I did once playing the drums. I don't even really want to play for my friends and family. Honestly as I thought about what to 'get' this Christmas, I wondered what I could give back to the Go...