The Other Side of the Exam Table
Today I was on the other side of telling a couple they were no longer pregnant. Can I just say I'm not a fan! I knew the ultrasound tech had already told them, but still I had to go in there and put a face, 2 faces to those ultra sound images that showed no life. When we walk in I can tell they are both trying to be so tough, but I can see the hurt behind their mask. I wanted to just go hug her and pray over her, because I know that only the God of Comfort can help in times like these. I don't know how she held it together that whole visit. She calmly asked the expected questions. What happened, why, will this effect future pregnancies? We answered them as best we could, then schedule the procedure to remove the dead fetus. Standing there hurting with this family, I just cried out for them to receive comfort and peace from Almighty God who gives and takes away. Prayed that somehow they would see Him shine through this dark hour, that The Way, The Truth, and The Life would come...