
Showing posts from November, 2013

Such is Life

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Food will be in no short supply. Laughter, hugs, excitement for the next few days. A time to stop and remember we have been blessed beyond comprehension. I mean who are we to deserve any of it? Not only family, food (way too much of it!) friends, and wealth, but for those of us who have been adopted in the family of God, we are heirs of Christ! Forget everything else, God calls us sons and daughters! One of my all time favorite quotes sums it up nicely, "He who has God and everything, has no more than he who has God alone." I'm pretty sure we could dwell on that the rest of our lives and still not comprehend what it means to be an heir of God. How foolish to cling onto our Earthly treasures instead of letting go and being filled with eternal ones. But I propose it is not that we do not want to have the treasures of God, rather in our pride we trust our own interpretation of what is good instead of trusting what God says is magnificent. We cannot...