
Showing posts from July, 2011


Today I heard form our Zimbabwe team leader who arrived there on Tuesday. She informed us of the weather, food, and what our living conditions would be like, all of which made me almost explode with excitement! She then began to share with us about her conversations with one of our hosts, Titsie . Titsie told her some of the horrific stories from 2007 when the gvt started "operation trash out" where they tried to rid Zimbabwe of its "trashy people." The place my team and I will be staying served as a refuge for many trying to escape the soldiers. She told of people whose hands, arms, and legs had been chopped off by machetes and one women who was burned from the waste down. My team is staying in Harare the capitol city where healing from this tragedy is more evident. However, the township where we will be working was one that was completely wiped out and still struggling. A local Zimbabwean even said it is hard for her to go there and she warned we may have trou...

The fork in the road

As some of you may or may not know, this past year I have felt God calling me to go to medical school. Two days before classes were to start last fall I sat in front of my computer agonizing over the decision to completely change my class schedule to include the dreaded organic chemistry. After much prayer I redid my entire schedule. I cannot fully express the blessings that rained down after that night. Changing my schedule put me in a class that worked with Iraqi refugees. (But this story will have to wait because it brought so many more blessings and opportunities!) Even though I had to sit through an organic class, I knew I was supposed to be there and that gave me a confidence and joy I had not had before. I took two of the most difficult classes that semester: Organic Chemistry I and Human Physiology. I figured if God could get me through both of those together than maybe He really did want me to go to medical school. Looking back, that was by far my best and favorite semester....